Sermon on the Mount Poem


Bill Strickland


Jesus went upon a hill

To teach His friends about God's will

A multitude had gathered round

And Jesus said let's all sit down

When everyone their place determined Jesus then began His sermon


When it's heaven you would merit Recognize you're poor in spirit

Eternal blessing will adorn

People who sincerely mom

The meek who do not boast of worth

Are destined to inherit earth

When righteousness becomes your passion That guarantees your satisfaction

When others from you mercy learn Mercy to you will return

The blessing of seeing God is sure

Only when your heart is pure

When you strive for peace to all

The sons of God you will be called


For God's kingdom to be suited

The righteous will be persecuted Bountiful blessings will arise

From hurtful hate, insults and lies Because of me you'll often find

Evil assaults of every kind

Rejoice and let your praise commence

Your heavenly gain will be immense

For God's prophets of former days

Were mistreated in these ways


Of the earth you are its salt

Given flavor God to exalt

But should you lose your salty taste

Your life will then become a waste


Your life should have a light emitting Like a hilltop city sitting

A guiding light for all to see

That is what your life should be

A covered light that is not shown

Restricts those things that could be known

The light of your good works reveal

The glory of our God is real


The law and prophets will not diminish

 I'll keep them all, right to the finish

No little jot or tittle one

Will I ever leave undone

Before the heavens and earth expires

I'll do all God's will requires

For every commandment that you break

A lesser place in heaven take

For commandments kept and practiced

Here is what the glorious fact is

When you reach your heavenly state

In that kingdom you'll be great


The righteousness that you will need

To enter heaven must exceed

Anything a scribe can do

Or pharisaic action too.


You've been taught that murder's wrong

The judgment for it will be strong

But, listen close and hear my clue

Anger gets you judgment too

Words of rage in your retort

Will bring you up before the court

And should you call someone a fool

Your consequences won't be cool

You'll be as close as you can get

On the edge of hell's fiery pit


When you bring an offering

And then remember anything

That caused offense unto another

Leave your offering go see that brother

You first repair this broken rift

And then you're free to give your gift.


As you do your daily deal

An adversary is revealed

Settle quickly with this one

Or you'll suffer from what's done

A judge is where you will begin

And then an officer steps in

In prison then you will abode

Until you've paid off all that's owed.


No adultery is the plan

That has been taught to every man

But, I think you need to know

Another point I want to show Adultery in the heart is took

Even with a lustful look


So lust that comes by eye or hand

Decisive action does demand

Cut off the hand gouge out your eye

Listen to the reason why

It's best to live without these members

Than whole to burn in hells hot embers


About divorce I have a word

It's not as easy as you've heard

To divorce improperly

Results in adultery

Divorce is only proper when

There is continuing sexual sin


You've been taught to keep your vow

But this is what I tell you now

I say to you, you should not swear,

By heaven, earth or head of hair

For which of you even by great might

Can change one hair from black to white

Here is the way that is the best

Your no is no and yes is yes


Tooth for tooth and eye for eye

Has been the way of years gone by

But I say do not resist

Those whose evil acts persist

When you're under persecution

To seek revenge is no solution

When your right cheek gets a blow

Turn the left cheek to your foe

To take such action will seem hard

But, vengeance is mine saith the

Lord If for your shirt someone would sue

Let them have your best coat too

If you're forced to walk a mile

Then go the second with a smile

To those who ask you should provide

And from the borrower do not hide


You have heard from ancient days

Relate to others in these ways

Your friends and neighbors highly prize

And all your enemies despise

But I have a way that's new

From now on here's what to do

Love your enemies is what I say

And for your persecutors pray

As your heavenly Father's sons

This is how His will is done

For the God of day and night


Shines His sun on wrong and right

And His rain is meant for all

Doesn't discriminate as it falls

You can always safely bet

Good or evil you'll get wet

When you love those who love you too

That's the normal thing to do

You'll see that as a common practice

Even in men who gather truces

When you only greet the brothers

That's just like all the others

For the model of direction

Follow after God's perfection.


When you do your righteous works

So people see and give you perks

Your heavenly Father is incensed

And no reward will be dispensed

As you respond to poor folk's plea

A void all notoriety

When you act for reputation

That's a prideful demonstration

Your help must be a secret thing

One hand unaware what the other brings

Our Father sees benevolence

And He'll provide your recompense


I have some things I need to say

Regarding how you ought to pray

Do not pray others to impress

That sort of prayer God will not bless

You must find a secret place

Where to seek your Father's face

Tell the Father what you hope in

He'll provide out in the open

The heathen think that they'll be heard

For their use of many words

Repetitious words and phrases

Add no value to your praises

Don't make prayer a difficult task

God knows your need before you ask

 When you're feeling led to pray

Start the process in this way

Our Father who in heaven art

I honor you with all my heart

Your name is worthy of great praise

I seek your will for all my days

May the earth your kingdom fill

As all heaven does your will

We ask each day for bread to live

And trust our debts you will forgive

As your forgiveness we fully know

We'll forgive debts to us others owe

To temptation lead us not

And deliver from all evil plots

For your kingdom wavers never

Filled with power and glory forever


With God's forgiveness as your possession

You can forgive men their transgressions

In unforgiveness should you harden

That will nullify your pardon


When you fast don't make a show

With gloomy face so folks will know

When others know your fasting pain

That will be your only gain

When you fast don't advertise

That no one knows will prove you wise

Your heavenly Father will know it's true

And He'll provide results for you


Don't build your life on earthly toys

Where moth and rust and thief destroys

Toys will not matter when you're dead

Your treasure should be sent ahead

Thieves that steal and moth and rust

Cannot corrupt a heavenly trust

When you want a heart to measure

Look at what it stores as treasure


The eye is the lamp for the body's vision

Providing light for each decision

When the eye is clear and bright

The body will be filled with light

When the body's eye is bad

Only darkness can be had

When the darkness inundates

Your darkness will very be great


Choose your master with great care

A master's place is not to share

With two masters you won't relate

One you'll love the other hate

Serving two will not be wise

You'll hold to one and one despise

 In my instruction, I must be bold

You cannot serve God and gold

 For this reason hear my challenge

Walk with God and live in balance


Desire for clothes and food and drink

Should not concern you as you think

Consider first the birds of air

Who fly about without a care

For food and drink they do not bother

Birds are fed by our heavenly Father

Are you not of much more worth

Than any bird upon the earth?


As you hurry to and fro

Does your worry help you grow

All this worry in your plight

Can't add one inch onto your height

When you think of what to wear

Look at a lily to compare

The beauty of a flower is such

That no man made thing can touch

Even Solomon's great splendor

Could not such beauty render

God gives favor to the grass

Even though it does not last

Today the blade is green and long

Tomorrow it is brown and gone

When you know these things are true

 God will much more do for you

Food and drink and clothes and such

 Should not concern you very much

For the folks who worship idols

Think these things are truly vital Your heavenly

 Father who is wise Is whom to trust for these supplies


First in the order of life's quest

Seek God's kingdom of righteousness

By giving honor to God's name

All these other things you'll gain

Don't let tomorrow cause you strife

Today's troubles will fill your life


Don't get caught in the judgment trap

It's not so easy to get out

For every judgment that you set

Will be the judgment that you'll get

When in your brother's eye you see

A speck is there that should not be

Before you act in condemnation

Your own eye needs examination

Your scrutiny cannot be frank

When in your eye there is a plank

Clear your own eye of debris

Before you help another see

Holy things aren't meant for dogs

Don't throw pearls before the hogs

The pearls they trample as a start

Then they tum to rip you apart


Ask and it will be given to you

Seek and you will find it too

Knock and it will open up

Grace is meant to fill your cup

For those who ask they will acquire

 Seeking folks get their desire

When by a knock you do implore

You will have an open door


Do you know a dad who's prone

When asked for bread supplies a stone

Or puts a snake upon his dish

When his son asked for a fish

If evil parents can do good

As expected that they would

How much more will you be blest

When our good God grants your request


The law and prophets are completed

By treating others as you'd be treated

A way that's wide without obstruction

Will lead many to destruction

The narrow gate is found by few

Giving life when you go through


Beware of prophets who sound wise

A wolf can hide in sheep's disguise

When you look upon a tree

You know its nature by the fruit you see

You don't get grapes from vines of thorn

Neither do figs a thistle adorn

A good tree will good fruit bear

On a bad tree bad fruit is there

A good tree will not bear fruit that's bad

Nor from a bad tree can good fruit be had

A tree's production that is not good

Is suited only for firewood

So one more time here's how you know

Identity is shown by the fruit you grow


Saying Lord, Lord in your address

Does not to God's kingdom give access

For your future heaven to fill

In the present do God's will

For there is to come a day

There'll be many who will say

Lord, Lord is it not true

All these things we've done for you

We prophesied with out a doubt

Did miracles and cast demons out

But to those folks I'll say depart

For lawlessness ruled deep in your heart


To those who hear my words as fact

And then upon them wisely act

Are like a man in taking stock

Who built his house upon a rock

The rain did flood, wind at it worst

Against this house came in a burst

The house stood firm in demonstration

Of the rock ofits foundation

To those who hear these words of mine

And to no action are inclined

Will be compared unto a man

Who built his house upon the sand

The rain did flood, wind at its worst

Against this house came in a burst

The house collapsed it could not stand

For it was built upon the sand


When Jesus finished all who heard

Were most amazed at His word

Everyone marveled and did agree

He taught with power and authority.


The Problem


The Esther Poem